The Retirement Years



At home devoting herself to writing during early months of 1907. In Oakland Feb. 15-18; united with Elder and Mrs. Haskell in the work there; had to bear plain testimony and meet difficult situation. In March wrote of the heavy weight of responsibility she was bearing that no one could understand. Felt alone. Left with W.C.W., Sara M., and Dores R. April 18 for So. Calif. Labored at San Fernando School, Loma Linda, San Diego, and Paradise Valley San., San Pasqual, Escondido, Los Angeles, and Glendale through late April and first 3 weeks of May. spent May 23-27 in Merced, laboring in camp meeting. Reached home May 27, after 6 weeks’ absence. In spite of weakness and suffering, had filled her appointments. Felt “the power of the Spirit” imparted to her whenever she stood before the people to speak. RY 208.1

Camped on grounds and labored in camp meeting in St. Helena June 20-30, and was very ill following that meeting. Spoke 20 minutes at dedication of St. Helena San., Oct. 20. (Dedication of new hospital building.) Left home Oct. 27 for another visit to So. Calif. labored in medical convention in Loma Linda, and at Paradise Valley San.; Also in Los Angeles and Glendale. Returned home about Dec. 24. Concerning this period in So. Calif. She wrote: “The burden was upon me night and day.” “It was a long and wearisome journey, and I was worn with continual anxiety.” RY 208.2