The Retirement Years



At her “Sunnyside” Home. Spoke “in the chamber above the mill” on Sabbath, Jan. 2 (for first time since her illness late in 1896). “We must have a meetinghouse,” she decided—and she inspired interest and effort until the meetinghouse was a reality. Planning to build a home for W.C.W.’s family. Counseling with Bro. Semmens re a health home. RY 196.1

Visited Summer Hill (to counsel with Brethren Semmens and Haskell re health home), and met speaking appointments in Newtown and Ashfield—all in Sydney area, in Feb. carrying heavy burdens in connection with the school, counseling in regard to many problems, speaking frequently, etc. Also overseeing building of home for W.C.W.’s family, while he was in U.S. for Gen. Conf. RY 196.2

Visited Summer Hill, Sydney, Ashfield, and Newtown again in August, speaking and counseling, and spent a few days in Summer Hill in Sept. spoke frequently to the students, and on Sabbaths “in the crowded upper chamber.” Oct. 16 spoke in the new chapel, and Oct. 17 offered dedicatory prayer at the dedication of the new chapel—a triumph of faith. RY 196.3

Labored in camp meeting at Stanmore, near Sydney, Oct. 21-31. Returned to “Sunnyside” Nov. 1, feeling very ill. Deeply interested in the work at Stanmore, and labored there again Nov. 19-23, Dec. 3-6 and 17-27. Plans were under way for a church building there. Met W.C.W. At Stanmore Oct. 21, he having just returned from 10 months’ absence in U.S. many sick came for help; Sara M. proved to be a real medical missionary, answering many calls for help; at times the sick were cared for in E.G.W.’s home. RY 196.4