Australasian Signs of the Times, vol. 18


October 5, 1903

“Three Great Mistakes” Australasian Signs of the Times 18, 40.

E. J. Waggoner

Notice three great mistakes made by different parties in connection with the trial of Jesus, each having its special lesson. BEST October 5, 1903, par. 1

1. Peter’s self-confidence made a coward of him when he came to the test. Knowing the Lord and loving Him, he yet denied the truth because the flesh failed him. BEST October 5, 1903, par. 2

2. The prejudices of the priests and rulers made them blind to all truth and honour, and while their attitude was in itself a confession that they were wrong, they so deceived themselves that they knew not what they did. BEST October 5, 1903, par. 3

3. Pilate’s love of office and position led him to yield to the clamour of prejudice, although he knew what he ought to have done. He knew Jesus was a just man, and half feared that He might be more than man, but he would endanger his position if he did right. BEST October 5, 1903, par. 4

Here are lessons (1) for followers of the Lord who trust in their own ability and knowledge of the form of the truth, (2) for those whose prejudices refuse to let them investigate the truth with open hearts, (3) and for any whose positions may appear to stand in the way of right doing. BEST October 5, 1903, par. 5

Jesus triumphed in it all because, as even His enemies said, “He trusted in God.” BEST October 5, 1903, par. 6