The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 76

March 28, 1899

“The Things of God” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 76, 13.


E. J. Waggoner

...delivered in the chapel at the Sanitarium, Jan. 7, 1899.

“We speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world.... But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” We must not detach this text from its surroundings, and put it too far off. Almost invariably we think of these things as “by and by.” “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.1

It will not do to spend time in dreamy anticipation; the present must occupy our entire attention. In looking ahead we forget the present; but we can not appreciate future blessings if those of the present are not appreciated. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.2

“We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery.” Speak “as it is written,” not what has gone before. Because “eye hath not seen,” is it any reason that man should not know? These things which we have not seen are spiritual, and our eyes are not adapted to see them. The body must wait for the resurrection to prepare it to see these things. But God expects us now to be spiritual, so he can reveal to us, and work in us, in spite of the disabilities of the flesh. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.3

“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things,”-the things not conceived of, but known only by the revelation of God. “Unto you is born a Saviour.” What a glorious thing this is, that the man of the world can not know! “Every good gift is from above, and cometh down.” It does not stay up there, note that. Don’t make a mistake, and think the things are so high you can not grasp them. The things worth the most are given by Jesus. Let us be thankful that he who has nothing can be the richest of all mankind. Millionaires get great wealth, and it may go up in smoke in a few moments; but what the Lord gives can not be taken from you. “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit, that we are the children of God.” Do not let these words be mere figures of speech. You “can’t understand it”?-No; it does not enter into the heart of man. But God reveals it to us. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.4

We are so gross. We think in dollars and cents,-what we shall get, etc. Even in heavenly things the gold attracts many,-the harp and crown, the paving of streets, and the like. Many think we shall be heirs of God “by and by,” and enter into the mansions he has prepared for us; but the true believer enters into the deep things of God now. With most of us our heirship of property is small. But in other things, man inherits largely from parents away back to Adam. Many of us have not had the best start in life, but we do not need to spend time in regrets that this is so. As by nature we are heirs of our parents, by grace we are heirs of God; not heirs of the possessions of God merely, but heirs of God himself! ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.5

Sometimes in the conflict with evil traits, one despairs, and says: “It is no use, this is a part of my nature. God does not expect anything better of me.” O, yes, he does expect something better of you: and he has the right to expect it; because he has brought to you the blessed privilege of being born again,-of having a new nature, even “the divine nature.” But you say, “I can’t see.” Of course you can’t see, God alone reveals it; and it is revealed only through faith. God is here; and when we receive him, we know it. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.6

Christ is the representation of the Father. When his glory is considered, one’s lips almost refuse to speak of the things God reveals to us. Jesus said, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” By accepting Christ we become heirs of his disposition, of his kingdom, of all his attributes. He has ascended to the right hand of glory; but everything that is his, he shares with us. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.7

The confidence of our acceptance with God is his Spirit given that we may know the gift of God to us. He has a right to see in us the thing he gives us. If a parent says to his little boy, “Johnnie, do not be seen with those old boots again, here is a new pair;” or, to his little girl, “Mary, do not wear that dress again, here is a new one for you,” he expects to see the new articles worn. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.8

If we only knew the gifts of God to us, we would receive them, and rejoice. God has accepted every person in the world. How do I know?-He has paid the price: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” It is just that easy. You go to a store, look at goods, select, and pay for them. You give an address where they are to be sent; but they do not come. At last your patience is tried, and you go again to the store. The dealer says, “I thought you would not accept them.” But you say, “They are mine. Did I not buy them? Did I not pay the price? There is no question whether I will accept them or not, you send them up.” Christ has paid the price. The mark of the cross in his hands is the receipt. In paying the price he has accepted us. We are his. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.9

When his ownership is forgotten, it is no wonder Christian life is at such a low ebb. He says, “I have bought thee;” but man says, “What shall I get?” O, yes; it is the dollars and cents again. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.10

“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. It says, “any man;” there is no limit. Next verse: “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.” “Reconciled us.” That means Paul, does it?-No; US! What a glorious gift is bestowed on all the world! The only condemnation of God to the world is his love. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.11

Jesus Christ associates us with himself in the world. When the question is asked, “Can God save me?” remember he will not only do that, but will make you a saviour. “I will bless thee... and thou shall be a blessing.” “As my Father sent me, even so send I you.” “As he is, so are we, in the world.” Let us believe the Lord, not for our worth, but for his love to us. The most wonderful thing of my life is that God is infinitely better than I am. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.12

Suppose while we are here in this room, warm and comfortable, you see a poor man outside perishing with the cold, could you enjoy yourself? Ah! but God is better than man; he could not see us in any weakness, without saving us. He takes us, and makes us representatives of himself. The man who will be saved, forgets all about himself being saved. He loses sight of self in caring for others. Christ saved others; but he did nothing for self, so that they said, “Himself he can not save.” He pleased not himself. He gave up all, that he might be here as our Saviour. “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.13

Great as is the power of sin, so much greater is the power of God. Sin has great power, “but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Thanks be to God, who give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. ARSH March 28, 1899, page 196.14