The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 67


March 18, 1890

“LESSON 26.—Hebrews 10:21-25” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 67, 11.


E. J. Waggoner

(Sabbath, March 29.)

1. Where is our High Priest? See Hebrews 8:1, 2. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.1

2. To what purpose did he go to heaven as a priest? Hebrews 9:26. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.2

3. Are we said to go into the sanctuary, or holies? Hebrews 10:19. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.3

4. How may we approach the throne? Verse 22, first part. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.4

5. How does faith come? Romans 10:17. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.5

6. What is necessary to full assurance of faith? See note. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.6

7. What is a true heart? Ans.-A heart that clings to the ground of faith, the word of God. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.7

8. What is said to be done to the heart? Hebrews 10:22. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.8

9. What is said to be sprinkled upon the heart to purify it? See 1 Peter 1:2; Hebrews 12:24. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.9

10. Is the heart literally sprinkled with blood? ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.10

11. How is the blood of Christ applied to our hearts? Ans.-By our faith and the work of the Holy Spirit. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.11

12. What is said to be done to the body? Hebrews 10:22, last part. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.12

13. Is the body literally washed with water? ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.13

14. Is either of these words ever used for baptism? Ans.-They are not. Washing is used for the object or end of baptism in Acts 22:16. Baptism describes the action, by which the washing was accomplished. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.14

15. How should we hold our profession of faith? Hebrews 10:23. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.15

16. What is said of him that wavereth? James 1:6. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.16

17. Why are we encouraged to hold fast without wavering? Hebrews 10:23, last part. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.17

18. What is meant by considering one another? Ans.-Having regard for; watching over for good. Verse 24. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.18

19. What is meant by provoke? Ans.-To incite; to stimulate. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.19

20. Unto what should we incite one another?-Ib. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.20

21. What should we not forsake? Verse 25. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.21

22. What should we do in our assemblies?-Ib. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.22

23. Is the duty to exhort one another confined to meetings? ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.23

24. Does the apostle specify any particular time for assembling? ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.24

25. What special reason is given why we should exhort one another? ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.25

26. To what day does the apostle here refer? Ans.-The day of which he has spoken, when our Redeemer will come again. He has introduced no other. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.26

27. Is it, then, true that we can see the day approaching? Matthew 24:3, 32, 33, etc. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.27


Many people mistake strong feeling for an assurance of faith, though they are essentially different. Strong feeling may be an accompaniment of faith, though it is not faith itself. And many suppose that there can be no faith without a happy state of feeling, which is a great mistake. Paul had great faith, though circumstances caused him to have great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart. Romans 9:2. Compare Isaiah 50:10; Matthew 5:4. Faith rests entirely upon the word of God, but feeling is often the outgrowth of impressions, produced in various ways. Self-complacency, deep satisfaction over one’s own experience, is very often mistaken for assurance of faith, while, oftentimes, the individual has no faith at all-no clear conception of the teachings of God’s word. Full assurance of genuine faith is unwavering confidence in God, with knowledge of his word and implicit belief of the word. The clearer the word is to our understanding, the better is the chance for full assurance of faith; for how can we have faith in that of which we are ignorant? The mystical system of interpreting the Scriptures, by which they are made to mean anything that can be imagined, precludes faith. Under that system the mind is filled only with fancies, while faith is something substantial. This subject is fully considered in the next chapter. ARSH March 18, 1890, page 173.28