Synopsis of the Present Truth
- CHAPTER 1. The Great Image of Daniel Two
- CHAPTER 2. The Vision of Daniel Seven
- CHAPTER 3. The Vision of Daniel Eight
- CHAPTER 4. The 70 Weeks and 2300 Days
- CHAPTER 5. The Sanctuary
- CHAPTER 6. The Messages of Revelation Fourteen
- CHAPTER 7. Revelation Twelve and Thirteen
- CHAPTER 8. The Sabbath
- CHAPTER 9. Bible View of the Sabbath
- CHAPTER 10. The Sabbath Theory of Akers, Jennings, Mede, and Fuller
- CHAPTER 11. Sabbath and Sunday - Secular History
- CHAPTER 12. Nature and Destiny of Man
- CHAPTER 13. Nature and Destiny of Man - (Continued)
- CHAPTER 14. State of the Dead
- CHAPTER 15. Destiny of the Wicked
- CHAPTER 16. The Seven Last Plagues
- CHAPTER 17. The Millennium
- CHAPTER 18. Matthew 24
- CHAPTER 19. The Seven Churches
- CHAPTER 20. The Seven Seals
- CHAPTER 21. The Seven Trumpets
- CHAPTER 22. The Signs of the Times
- CHAPTER 23. Spiritualism
- CHAPTER 24. The Second Advent
- CHAPTER 25. The Two Laws
- CHAPTER 26. The First-day Sabbath
- CHAPTER 27. Baptism. - Its Relation to the Divine Law in the Work of True Conversion
- CHAPTER 28. Gifts of the Spirit
- CHAPTER 29. Predestination
- CHAPTER 30. The One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand
- CHAPTER 31. The Ministration of Angels
- CHAPTER 32. The Saints’ Inheritance