Six Sermons on the Inquiry Is There Immortality in Sin and Suffering?



Searching the Scriptures, 65. - Examination of Revelation 14:9-11. Is this language spoken of all wicked men? 68. - Does it relate to any beyond this life? 70. - It is fulfilled “on the earth?” 71. Revelation 20:10, considered, 72. - The devil to be destroyed, 73. Summing up of the argument of the advocates of man’s immortality, 74. - Watson on immortality, 74. Other objections considered, 74. - The benevolence of God obliges Him to inflict the greatest possible punishment, 75. - Such a punishment uncalled for and useless, 77. - “Sin an infinite evil,” 79. - “Destruction no punishment at all,” 79. - Folly of such an objection, 79. - Henry’s notion of “damnation,” 80. - Benson outstrips Henry, and finds it impossible to obtain satisfaction to Divine justice, 80-82. - Concluding remarks, 82. - Faith defined, 83. SSII III.3