

“A period of seven days, a week, sing. and pl. Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:9.” - Greenfield’s Greek N.T. on Sabbaton. SBTON 4.1

“A cessation from labor, rest. the Sabbath, a day of rest: by syndec., a week. Mark 16:7; Luke 18:12; Matthew 28:1,” etc.- Pickering’s Comp. Lex. of the Greek Language. SBTON 4.2

“2. Meton., a sabbath, put for the interval from Sabbath to Sabbath; hence a se’nnight, week. - Robinson. SBTON 4.3

“Shabbath. 2 perh. week, as in the Syriac and Greek. Matthew 28:1; Leviticus 23:15; comp. Deuteronomy 16:9.” - Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon. SBTON 4.4

Sabbaton. 2 Week, N. T.”- Liddell and Scott. SBTON 4.5

“From the circumstance that the Sabbath was the principal day of the week, the whole period of seven days was likewise called, Shabat, in Syriac, Shabta, in the N.T., Sabbaton and Sabbata. The Jews, accordingly, in designating the successive days of the week, were accustomed to say, the first day of the Sabbath, that is, of the week; the second day of the Sabbath, that is, Sunday, Monday, etc. Mark 16:2, 9; Luke 24:9” - Ency. of Relig. Knowl., Art. Week. SBTON 4.6

“Sabbath is also taken for the whole week. Luke 18:12. I fast twice in the week: in the Greek it is, I fast twice in the Sabbath.” - Cruden. SBTON 5.1

This fast was on the second and fifth days of the week, says Bloomfield in his Greek N.T. SBTON 5.2

“The seventh day, which we term Saturday, was styled among them (the Jews) the Sabbath, that is, the day of rest. And because this was the most important day of all the week, the whole week came to be called from its name, a Sabbath; whence the other days were called also the first day of the Sabbath, the second day of the Sabbath, and so on in their order.” - Nevins’ Biblical Antiquities, p.174. SBTON 5.3

“The Jews called Sunday one of the Sabbatn, that is, the first day of the week. Monday was two of the Sabbath.” - Union Bible Dict., Art. Weeks. SBTON 5.4

Sabbathum is also taken for the whole week.” - Calmet., Art. Sabbath. SBTON 5.5

Other remarks might be made, and facts stated, showing the absurdity of the argument founded on this phrase; but these certainly are all-sufficient for any candid mind. D.M.C. SBTON 5.6