The Everlasting Covenant


Labour Troubles and their Remedy

At the present day we find very much the same conditions that existed in the case of the children of Israel. Surely the “sweating system” prevailed at that time as much as it ever has since. Long hours, hard work, and little or no pay, was the rule. Capital has never oppressed labour more than at that time, and the natural thought of the oppressed then, as now, was that the only way to secure their rights was to meet force with force. But man’s way is not God’s way; and God’s way is the only right way. No one can deny that the poor are grossly abused and trodden down; but very few of them are willing to accept God’s method of deliverance. No one can condemn the oppression of the poor by the rich any more strongly than it is done in the Bible, for God is the poor man’s friend. EVCO 169.1