The Everlasting Covenant


The Reformation Unfinished

The Reformation of the sixteenth century did not, however, complete the work. A true Reformation never ends; when it has corrected the abuse which first called it forth, it must go on with the good work. But those who came after the Reformers were not filled with the same spirit, and were content to believe no more than the Reformers had believed. Consequently the same story was repeated. The word of men came to be received as the word of God, and therefore errors still remained in the church. To-day the current is setting strongly downward, as the result of the wide-spread acceptance of the doctrine of Evolution, and of the influence of the so-called “Higher Criticism.” Several years ago the historian Merivale, Dean of Ely, said, “Paganism was assimilated, not extirpated, and Christendom has suffered from it more or less ever since.” 1 EVCO 158.1