The Everlasting Covenant


Egypt, the Corruptor of Christianity

Near the close of the second century of the Christian era, a new system of philosophy sprung up in Egypt. “This philosophy was adopted by such of the learned at Alexandria as wished to be accounted Christians, and yet to retain the name, the garb, and the rank of philosophers. In particular, all those who in this century presided in the schools of the Christians at Alexandria—Athenagoras, Pantaenus, and Clemens Alexandrinus—are said to have approved of it. These men were persuaded that true philosophy, the great and most salutary gift of God, lay in scattered fragments among all the sects of philosophers; and, therefore, that it was the duty of every wise man, and especially of a Christian teacher, to collect these fragments from all quarters, and to use them for the defense of religion and the confutation of impiety.” 1 EVCO 153.2