The Everlasting Covenant


The Promise of Resurrection

What does this demonstrate?—Simply this, that the promise in the fifteenth chapter of Genesis, that Abraham and his seed should possess the land, had reference to the resurrection of the dead, and to nothing short of that. This is true, even though it should be claimed that the eighteenth verse excludes Abraham from the covenant there spoken of; for as we have seen, it is clear that many of the immediate descendants of Abraham would be dead before the time of the promise; and we know that Isaac and Jacob and the twelve patriarchs were dead long before that time. EVCO 71.3

Even if Abraham be left out of the question, yet the fact remains that the promise to the seed must include all of the seed, and not a part merely; for the promise is “sure to all the Seed.” 1 But Abraham cannot be left out of the promise. Therefore we have positive evidence that in this chapter we have the record of the preaching of “Jesus and the resurrection” 2 to Abraham. EVCO 71.4