The Everlasting Covenant


The Time not Revealed

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man.” 2 It is a sad fact that many, in the face of these words of the Lord, have presumed to fix the date of the coming of the Lord. Every attempt of that kind is both vain and wicked. The longest period named in prophecy is long since past, and all that anybody can know of the time of the Lord’s coming is that “it is near, even at the doors.” And that is enough to know. EVCO 487.1

It is true that some have thought to evade the charge of setting time for the Lord to come, by fixing a date for the termination of “the times of the Gentiles;” but that, as we have just seen is the same thing. Besides, there is not the shadow of an indication in the Bible as to how long the times of the Gentiles are, nor when they begin. Consequently it is absolutely impossible to say when they will end. The term “times of the Gentiles,” occurs but once in the Bible, namely, in Luke 21:24, and all that we there learn of it is that the times end at the coming of the Lord. But “in such an hour as ye think not the EVCO 487.2

Son of man cometh.” 1 Therefore one thing is certain, and that is, that whatever date any man may fix upon as the time of the coming of the Lord, that will be the time when He will not come. “Watch therefore.” EVCO 488.1