The Everlasting Covenant


The Shortness of Time

Now the although it has been a long time, as man counts, since the promise was made, “the Lord is not slack concerning His promise.” A thousand years are with Him as one day. So then it has been, as it were, scarcely a week since the promise was first made, at the time of the fall. It has been but a few days with God since the “fathers fell asleep.” The passage of a few thousand years does not abate one jot of the promise of God. It is as sure as when it was first made. He has not forgotten. The only reason why He has delayed thus long is that “He is long-suffering to usward; not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” So we should “account that the long-suffering of the Lord is salvation,” 1 and should gratefully accept the kindness thus graciously offered, instead of taking His merciful delay as an evidence of lack of good faith on His part. EVCO 43.1