The Everlasting Covenant


God’s Solicitude for all men

The special point in this reference to Rahab is that God had not shut Himself up to the Jewish people. Wherever there was an idolatrous inhabitant of Canaan, who was willing to acknowledge God, that moment he was enrolled among God’s people. This lesson is not merely theoretical, the point being that the promise to Abraham included all the world, and not merely the offspring of Jacob, but it is practically consoling and uplifting. It shows us how longsuffering the Lord is, “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 1 It shows us how quickly God seizes upon the slightest inclination to seek Him, and uses it as a means of drawing the erring soul still nearer. He gently breathes upon the tiniest spark, if possibly it may be enlarged to a flame. His ear is continually turned to earth, alert to catch the faintest whisper, so that the feeblest cry, yea, the first impulse to call, from the lowest depths, is instantly heard and responded to. EVCO 391.3

Many people, with more zeal for God than knowledge of His character have claimed, with no other authority than their own word against the Bible record, that Rahab was not a harlot in the common acceptation of the word; that in her case the word has a different meaning from what it ordinarily has. They think that it would be dishonouring to the reputation of Christ, to say that such a woman was His ancestor after the flesh, forgetting that the great reason why Christ Jesus has a name “that is above every name,” is that He “made Himself of no reputation.” The fact that He Himself sprung from such a source, shows that there is hope for the lowest. “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dung hill; that He may set him with princes, even with the princes of His people.” 2 EVCO 392.1