The Everlasting Covenant


An Unmurmuring Host

But not a single word of retort came from those ranks. Patiently the children of Israel bore whatever taunts may have been hurled at them. Not a voice was heard saying, “What is the use of all this?” “What kind of general is this man Joshua?” “Does he suppose that by our measured tread we can set the walls to vibrating so that they will fall down?” “What’s the use of tiring our legs and wearing out our shoes in this child’s parade?” “I am tired of this foolishness, and shall stay in my tent until we can get to business.” EVCO 376.2

Anyone who knows anything of human nature knows that these and similar expressions would freely be uttered under such circumstances by most people; especially if there were not strict military discipline; and it would be remarkable if there were not open revolt against the proceedings. This would have been the case with the children of Israel forty years before; and the fact that they patiently and quietly marched around the city thirteen times, seemingly with no object, is proof of the most remarkable faith that the world has ever known. Think of an entire nation among which there was not one fault-finder, not one to utter a word of complaint when put to inconvenience which he could not understand, and which was apparently useless. EVCO 376.3