The Everlasting Covenant


Why the Promises of the Old Covenant were Never Realized

But the promises of that covenant at Sinai were never realized, and for the very reason that they were faulty. The promises of that covenant all depended upon the people. They said, “All that the Lord hath spoken, we will do.” 3 They promised to keep His commandments, although they had already demonstrated their inability to do anything themselves. Their promises to keep the law, like the law itself, were “weak through the flesh.” 4 The strength of that covenant was therefore only the strength of the law, and that is death. EVCO 327.2

Why, then, was that covenant made?—For the very same reason that the law was spoken from Sinai; “because of transgression.” The Lord says it was “because they continued not in My covenant.” They had lightly esteemed the “everlasting covenant” which God had made with Abraham, and therefore He made this one with them, as a witness against them. EVCO 327.3