The Everlasting Covenant


Abraham saw Christ’s Day

The cross of Christ, and the blessing of sins forgiven, existed therefore, not only at Sinai, but in the days of Abraham. Abraham rejoiced to see Christ’s day, for he did really see it. 1 Salvation was no surer the day that Jesus rose from the tomb than it was the day that Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice up Mount Moriah; for God’s promise and oath are two “immutable things.” Though it be but a man’s covenant, “yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.” How much more so, then, when it is God’s own covenant, confirmed by an oath pledging his own life! That covenant embraced the salvation of mankind. Therefore it is a fact that, saying nothing of previous time, after God’s promise and oath to Abraham not a single new feature could be introduced into the plan of salvation. Not one duty less or more could be enjoined or required, nor could there by any possibility be any variation in the conditions of salvation. EVCO 302.1