The Everlasting Covenant


God a Real Being

God is not a myth. The Holy Spirit is not a myth. His presence is just as real as He Himself. When Christ says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him,” 4 He means it for an actual fact; and when He says, “If a man love Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love Him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him,” 5 He does not intend to deceive us with a phantom. He comes in the flesh to-day as really as He did in Judea. His appearance then was simply to show to all men the possibility and the perfection of it. And just as He comes in the flesh now, to all who receive Him, so He did in the days of old, when Israel was in the wilderness; yea, even in the days of Abraham and Abel. We may weary ourselves in speculations as to how it is possible, and die of spiritual starvation while we hesitate, or we may “taste and see that the Lord is good,” and find in His presence satisfaction and “fulness of joy.” EVCO 276.2