The Everlasting Covenant


Rivers of Pleasure

The ransomed of the Lord are to come to Zion with songs, but they are not to be forced songs. They will sing because they are happy; because nothing but song will express their joy. With joy shall they draw water out of the wells of salvation. 1 This joy is the joy of the Lord. He feeds them with bread from heaven, and makes them drink of the river of His pleasures. That is, He gives them Himself. But when the Lord gives us Himself, there is nothing more to give. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” 2 God gives Himself to us in giving us His life in Christ; and this was expressed to the Israelites in the giving of the water of life, which came from Christ. Therefore we know that everything which the Gospel of Christ has for men, was there for the children of Israel in the desert. EVCO 269.1