The Everlasting Covenant


A Necessary Consequence

Someone may ask, “Why should this follow? Why should they be overthrown simply because they did not discern the Lord’s body?” The answer is, that it could not be otherwise. Their overthrow was not an arbitrary thing, but was the natural and inevitable result of their not discerning the Lord’s body in the food that He gave them day by day. Thus: since they did not recognize the Lord in the bread that He gave them for their life, they very naturally did not yield themselves to Him. Since they did not recognize Him as their life—not a part, but the whole—they would of course assume the right to control their own actions, and to do as pleased them. This was what they did; and it is what everybody does, just to the extent that he fails to discern and acknowledge the EVCO 257.2

Lord’s body. Without faith it is impossible to please God; because he who does not recognize that he has no life except from God, will naturally please himself. EVCO 258.1