The Everlasting Covenant


Acknowledging that all Life is Christ’s

Faith means acceptance. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Faith receives Christ into the inner life. Faith takes Him for all that He is, and all that He wishes to be to us. So if we eat the body of Christ worthily, we acknowledge that He is our life, and submit ourselves to Him, that He may direct His own life in His own way. By the Lord’s Supper we signify this. In the bread of the Lord’s Supper we do not receive the body of the Lord any more than we do in an ordinary meal (providing of course that the meal is of that which the Lord Himself gives us to eat), but we then solemnly remind ourselves of the fact, and make known our profession to others. In short, the Lord’s Supper is our public and solemn profession of faith in the fact that we have no life except in Christ, and that we receive His life in the food that He gives us to eat. EVCO 256.1

The knowledge of this truth sanctifies and glorifies eating and drinking. He who lives in constant recognition of it, eats and drinks to the glory of God. He eats and drinks by faith, for since we live by our food, it is evident that he who lives by faith must eat by faith. And such an one is righteous, for the just man is the one who lives by faith. He eats and drinks righteousness. “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” If we will daily and hourly remember and acknowledge that we have no life except the life of Christ who is come in our flesh, He has pledged Himself to see that our ways please God. He takes the responsibility on Himself; our part is simply to acknowledge His presence and His right to control. EVCO 256.2