The Everlasting Covenant


How to Eat Christ’s Flesh

“But how can we eat His flesh, and drink His blood? That is the very question that the unbelieving Jews asked, but it had been answered before they asked it. We feed upon Jesus by eating His word; for He is the Word. So He said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life.” 1 Does this seem intangible and unreal? Then remember the giving of the manna. Recall the statement that God fed the people with bread from heaven, in order that they might know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. By giving them bread He taught them that they were to live by the word. How so?—Because Christ Himself is the life of the bread. The life that we get from bread is the life of Christ, the Word of God, since everything that grows comes from the Word. So when the unbelieving Jews referred to the giving of the manna, they answered their own question as to how Christ could give them Himself to eat; and they had but the day before had a demonstration of it, when Jesus took a little bread in His hands, and fed thousands of people, so that they were all filled, and there was more bread when they had finished than when they begun. By ordaining that men shall live by eating, and making them absolutely dependent on their daily bread for life, God has preached the Gospel to every creature, and put before them and into their hands, yes, into their bodies, the way of salvation and life. EVCO 253.1