The Everlasting Covenant


Christ Present in Man

This is true of man as well as of plants, for he is also one of “the things that are made.” And it is true of every man in the world. It was in an exhortation to the Jews to keep the commandments (which shows that they were not already doing so), that Moses said: “The Word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.3 And in quoting this passage, in Romans 10:6-8, the Holy Spirit, since Christ is the Word, makes the substitution of the one name for the other, distinctly telling us that Christ is in us all, in order that we may be able to serve the Lord. This truth is also set forth in the statement that “the Word was made flesh.” EVCO 248.2

Every man lives only by the Word—by Christ. God gave manna to sinful, unbelieving Israel, in order that they might know that man lives “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God;” and “they did all eat the same spiritual meat,” which was Christ. EVCO 248.3