The Everlasting Covenant


Living Bread

The Apostle Paul tells us that the children of Israel in the wilderness “did all eat the same spiritual meat.’ 3 We have already read the words of the Lord when He promised to give them food, saying, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.” He “commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven;” He “rained down manna upon them to eat,” and gave them “of the corn of heaven;” “man did eat angels’ food.” 4 EVCO 233.1

The food that they had to eat was not a product of the country through which they were passing. If it had been, they would have had it from the first. But the Scripture tells us that it was rained down from heaven. It came direct from God. It was “spiritual meat,” “angels’ food.” What it was intended to be for them, if they had only believed it, we learn from the words of Christ, when on another occasion He fed a multitude of people in the desert. EVCO 233.2