The Everlasting Covenant


God’s Servants only Instruments

We do not need to go into the details of the refusal of Moses, and of his final acceptance of the Divine commission. Now that he was actually fitted for the task, he shrank from it. It is sufficient to note that in the commission the power by which the deliverance was to be effected was made very clear. It was such a deliverance as could be accomplished only by the power of the Lord. Moses was to be simply the agent in His hands. EVCO 177.4

This is a point that the reader should not pass over lightly; for since God’s servants are still commissioned to lead His people out of Egypt, it is necessary for them to remember the power by which they are to speak. When Moses said that he was not eloquent, or, literally, not a man of words, but “slow of speech, and of a slow tongue,” the Lord said, “Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I, the Lord?” 1 EVCO 177.5