Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


I’m Coming Home Again

The wheels of time roll ceaseless on,
The moments glide away;
The hours but tell us they are gone,
Nor lingers long the day.
So that from friends, and home, away
I shall not long remain,
For soon the flying wings of time
Will bear me home again.
PSAS 139.2

I have a home—oh! blessed thought!—
Which oft I call to mind;
Which oft a healing balm has brought,
And left dull care behind.
From this dear home, though far away,
I cannot long remain,
The ties of friendship, sure and strong,
Will bring me home again.
PSAS 139.3

In fancy’s vision oft I see
Friendship’s extended hand,
And for a moment seem to be,
One in your happy band;
But recollection suffers not
These visions to remain,
And so to see you face to face,
I’m coming home again.
PSAS 140.1

The boisterous waves roll rough around
My thin and slender bark;
While clouds arise, and storms resound,
And all is drear and dark.
But out upon the swelling tide
I shall not long remain,
For I’m coming into harbor—
I’m coming home again.
PSAS 140.2