Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Return unto the Lord

Have you again become
To appetite a slave?
You’ve boasted victory here,
Why sink beneath the wave?
PSAS 80.4

You say, I have no hope,
No strength within me lies,
And sinking still, I fear
I ne’er again shall rise.
PSAS 80.5

My efforts all have failed,
To keep the victory gained.
Where look for refuge now?
Or hope to be sustained?
PSAS 81.1

A helpless sufferer, true,
On confines of despair,
While knowing there’s no hope,
If you continue there.
PSAS 81.2

Debased and losing still
Life’s elevating powers,
A worse than blank you feel
In this grand world of ours.
PSAS 81.3

A world God loved so well,
He sent his only Son,
That we through him might find
On earth a Heaven begun.
PSAS 81.4

A world to which he sends
Rich blessings from above,
And daily here renews
His covenant of love.
PSAS 81.5

Be moved, despairing one;
Be helped again to live;
God pities, and will yet
A greater victory give.
PSAS 81.6

He’s waiting your return,
With pardon in his hand;
In his strength you can rise,
And in him we can stand.
PSAS 81.7

Yes; stand amidst the scenes
Of peril, war and strife,
While Jesus is our guide
To everlasting life.
PSAS 81.8

Come while he waits to save.
Your case will hopeless be
Except you come where God
In Christ can make you free.
PSAS 82.1

Come and he’ll save you here
From sin’s destructive power,
And be your all, when comes
The great decisive hour.
PSAS 82.2