Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Worldly Sorrow

Worldly sorrow worketh death;
Sink not beneath its power;
‘Twill darken much that else were bright,
In mercy’s lingering hour.
PSAS 71.4

Forgotten be the trials past,
The present meekly borne;
Our burdens cast upon the Lord,
Who comforts those that mourn.
PSAS 71.5

With heavenly wisdom we shall know
What God would have us do;
While moving in his order on,
Our hope and strength renew.
PSAS 71.6

Revived and strengthened we’re prepared
To spread the truth abroad,
Beseeching men in Jesus’ stead,
Be reconciled to God.
PSAS 71.7

Then jewels will be gathered in,
The church built up again,
And all prepared to meet the Lord,
Who’s coming soon to reign.
PSAS 72.1