Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


The Work of Reform

The dearest joys of earth can ne’er
One solid pleasure give;
We’re only blest when we can know
That ‘tis for God we live.
PSAS 65.3

We love by nature what he hates;
We shun ourselves to see;
We love our appetites and pride,
Ease and carnality.
PSAS 65.4

The strife must come, and self must die,
Our idols all be slain;
How sad should they o’er us at last
Their cruel victory gain!
PSAS 65.5

Too soon we cannot overcome
Our every sin and wrong.
Through Jesus let us conquer self,
And join the blood-washed throng.
PSAS 65.6

Our wings of strength and zeal we plume,
And rouse the dormant will,
To yield our hearts to Nature’s laws,
And all their claims fulfill.
PSAS 66.1

This move in heavenly wisdom made,
To fit for trouble’s hour,
Has blessings for the willing heart,
Of health and strength and power.
PSAS 66.2

That all around may see the light,
Let’s raise our banner high,
And be epistles known and read
By all who may come nigh.
PSAS 66.3

The platform for us now is laid;
Reform is on the sign;
We’ll rally round, resolving each,
It’s blessings shall be mine.
PSAS 66.4