Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


“Brother, Live!”

When dark misfortune’s tide is up,
Its surges running high,
If we have lost our hold on God,
Where then for refuge fly?
PSAS 47.4

Oppressed, desponding, near despair,
Health, strength and coursing fled,
These cheering words heed, “Brother, live!
And raise your sinking head.
PSAS 48.1

Though anguish deep, and bitter grief
Be felt and long be borne,
Abide the test; seek no relief
That’s not from Heaven alone.
PSAS 48.2

Deliverance must be found in God,
A blessing to secure;
There is encouragement for those
Who trials well endure.
PSAS 48.3

In tribulation’s beaten path,
The ancient prophets trod;
It is the only way that brings
The wanderer home to God.
PSAS 48.4

Let patience have its perfect work,
Be purified and tried;
Be ready when the King shall come,
To e’er with him abide.
PSAS 48.5