Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Why Art Thou Cast Down?

Why this dark depth of grief and gloom, this anguish and despair?
The unpardonable sin you mourn, is not yet yours to bear.
Why thus disquieted, cast down? Hope thou in God; he’ll give
The very blessing you most need; look up to him and live.
PSAS 45.4

This crushing weight of heartfelt grief, this flow of sorrow’s tide,
Will ere long bring the sad report, Of broken heart he died.
God knows what has befallen you, knows why the sore event;
Wait until he shall show you why this bitter cup was sent.
PSAS 45.5

Be at your post, where’er it be; the claims of life fulfill.
Be no one act or motive wrong; heed Heaven’s own bidding still.
Then let the hail sweep o’er your path, let storms in fury rise,
God will in safety bring you through to mansions in the skies.
PSAS 46.1

He’s at the helm, he’ll guide the ship through every dangerous strait,
And make you welcome when within the holy city’s gate.
No bitter scenes of heartfelt grief, though now with anguish riven,
Will meet you in that world of bliss, the holy calm of Heaven.
PSAS 46.2