Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Will You be a Pilgrim?

Will you come in with the pilgrims, though a remnant they may be,
And know the blessed privilege of gospel liberty?
Will you take the name of Christ, and be redeemed by sovereign grace,
And find in him from every storm a sure, safe hiding place?
PSAS 39.3

Will you part with earth’s delusive joys, with all its vain delights,
And “bear the consecrated cross,” to have the Christian’s rights?
They have a right to call on God; and he’s vouchsafed his aid.
The ancients said, We’ll trust in thee, nor ever be dismayed.
PSAS 39.4

They said, ‘Tis nothing, Lord, with thee, with many or with few,
TO put a mighty host to flight, and all our foes subdue.
Will you go against the multitude, in his own strength and name?
He fought their battles and he’s still unchangeably the same.
PSAS 39.5

Their hope’s an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast too,
And buoys their spirits up in all the conflicts they go through.
Will you have this hope to cheer you, to an unfading crown-
A crown that far outshines this world, with all its grand renown?
PSAS 40.1

They’ve no abiding city here, but look for one to come,
A glorious city all illumed, to be their final home.
Oh! will you suffer sorrow here, and have a home in Heaven,
A kingdom that will shortly be, to all the faithful given?
PSAS 40.2