Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


Look Up

Lone Pilgrim, cease that mournful sigh-
Look up! redemption draweth nigh.
Have loved ones gone, does earth look drear?
Look up! shed not that bitter tear.
PSAS 37.4

What though the heart is saddened now,
And shadows gather on thy brow,
And grief the bosom heaving still-
Look up! submit to Heaven’s own will.
PSAS 38.1

Do trials, unexpected, rise?
Look up! and view the glorious prize;
Let not life’s sorrows press you down-
Look up! prepare to take the crown.
PSAS 38.2

Lift up your head, rejoice and sing-
Look up! by faith behold your King.
He soon is coming, heed his call-
Look up! and make your God your all.
PSAS 38.3

He’ll come, all troubles here to end,
He’ll come, a never-failing friend,
He’ll come to take his children home-
Look up! and pray, Lord, quickly come.
PSAS 38.4