Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


To Aaron A. Smith

On his leaving to join the Army. PSAS 27.1

For one who can fill such a place in the choir,
Whose musical talents none can but admire,
Who is loved and looked up to as teacher and guide,
To leave for the war, will be felt far and wide.
PSAS 27.2

But it is not, dear nephew, for earth’s vain delight,
That you leave home and friends for your country to fight;
It is for the Union—our rights to maintain—
That you go where the strife piles its thousands of slain.
PSAS 27.3

Good bye! God protect you; on his arm rely,
There is safety for no one except from on high.
We are safe only while we in Jesus abide;
He’s our rule, he’s our pattern, our only sure guide.
PSAS 27.4

Be careful to follow where he leads the way;
Let nothing entice from his footsteps to stray.
May he keep you from falling and lead you safe through
To the home and the friends you are bidding adieu.
PSAS 27.5