Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith


The Slave of Appetite

What stings of conscience men will bear,
Their tastes to gratify;
Resolve and re-resolve, and still
Themselves cannot deny.
PSAS 22.5

They said, “I’d give a thousand worlds
Could I the victory gain.”
Your cause is just, to conquer here,
And all your rights maintain.
PSAS 22.6

“What use,” you ask, “to say I will,
And almost know I shan’t;
I’ve tried, and tried, and tried again,
To quit, but oh! I can’t.”
PSAS 22.7

Well, be it so; your course pursue,
But what will be the end?
Your conscience soon will be so scared,
You’ll want no other friend.
PSAS 23.1

Chief of the comforts you enjoy,
What comfort now you take.
When you’re deprived of these, how sad,
Gloomy and desolate.
PSAS 23.2

Why thus? Your nerves are all unstrung;
You’re almost ruined now.
Does patience have her perfect work,
While thus you break each vow?
PSAS 23.3

When worn with oil, how soon you seek
Your coffee, rum, or tea;
When trouble comes, these are your gods,
To which for help you flee.
PSAS 23.4

Another, all his senses gone,
When giving up his quid,
In irritation mourns his lot,
From him all good seems hid.
PSAS 23.5

The poisonous weed, the deadly drink
Are eagerly pursued;
So are they loved, men hardly wish
Their appetites subdued.
PSAS 23.6

The exhilarating influence
When loved, who will forego?
The sad effects of these produce
The sum of human woe.
PSAS 23.7

Not we alone the sufferers are;
Our friends must bear a part;
The animation felt by us
With them is a broken heart.
PSAS 23.8

An oft untimely grave the lot,
Of those thus overcome;
What desolation then is felt,
In their once peaceful home?
PSAS 24.1

Ere vigor, health, and life are gone,
Rouse every latent power;
The victory gained, again you’re blest,
Within your own loved bower.
PSAS 24.2

Heed not the tempter when he comes,
And pleads once more to yield;
Have you not fully yet resolved,
To shun this battle-field?
PSAS 24.3

Why risk the victory you have gained?
Your resolution lost
This once might prove your ruin here,
And life eternal cost.
PSAS 24.4

Try once again, while there is hope
To conquer and to live;
God will, if you will let him, help,
And all the past forgive.
PSAS 24.5

He’ll help to get the victory;
And victory must be gained,
Or no resolve to break the hold,
Will ever be maintained.
PSAS 24.6

Not victory for a single day,
A week, a month, a year;
But victory that will stand the test
While we continue here.
PSAS 24.7

A victory that will overcome
Inordinate desire,
To gratify perverted taste,
By habit made entire.
PSAS 24.8

The conflict rages fiercely on;
Here victory, then defeat;
But faint not, you can overcome,
And make your foes retreat.
PSAS 25.1

An armor for us is prepared,
A helmet, sword and shield,
And He who mighty is to save,
Is with us on the field.
PSAS 25.2

Experience can alone impart
The joy of sins forgiven,
Freedom in God while here below,
And soon a home in Heaven.
PSAS 25.3