Last Day Tokens



is to be the end of the commotion.” What better proof could they have? Spirits of devils were to gather the nations to that final conflict, and here were the spirits already going forth. The Seventh-day Adventists viewed the situation differently; “For,” said they, “a sealing message is to do its work in preparing a people to stand when the nations shall be angered, and God’s wrath at last comes.” LDT 199.1

The first-day Adventists, who were continually setting the time for the Lord to come, made light of the Sabbath message and the small company who were to deliver it, and one of their leaders said to them, “It will take 144,000 years to accomplish the work you contemplate.” However, the humble few were not disheartened. They were only reminded of the difficulties experienced by the Israelites, when, in their poverty and weakness, they were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. “If a fox,” said their enemies, tauntingly, “go up, he shall even break down their stone wall.” And, like them, they cried, “Hear, O our God; for we are despised.” 3 The belief was strong that the third angel’s message and the sealing work was the truth of God, to be heralded to the world; but the question was, How can it be done? With the thought of publishing in mind, without the means with which to do the work, Brethren Bates and White, Mrs. White, and a few others, met in Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 18, 1848, to engage in prayer for divine guidance-to inquire of One who knows the end from the beginning how to publish the truth. The Lord graciously heard, and gave light. LDT 199.2

It was a fact that the winds of war and strife were about to be loosened for the final conflict; but the Lord in mercy commissioned His angels to “hold the winds” (keep back the battle of the great day) until the sealing of God’s servants should be accomplished. This Sabbath message, so small in its beginning, was to rise in strength and power, like the rising of the sun. LDT 200.1

The commission was given to publish the truth to the world, with the assurance that the blessing of God would attend the effort. 4 With this encouragement, Elder White began the work of LDT 200.2