Last Day Tokens



The Sweet and Bitter Book-Bitter Disappointment-Like the Disappointed Disciples-The Philadelphia Church-Foolish Virgins and Time-Setters-Parable of the Talents

PREVIOUS to the close of the prophetic periods in 1844, the believers in the second advent labored under the erroneous supposition that the earth was the sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the twenty-three hundred days. The glorious truth on the subject of the sanctuary, as now understood, was not recognized until after the expiration of the great prophetic period. Then came the Lord’s time for the revealing of that marvelous light. LDT 180.1

A devoted brother, of Port Byron, N. Y. (Hiram Edson), who had earnestly labored in the first and second messages, began to receive light on the sanctuary question the day after the close of the prophetic time. While praying, it came to him as distinctly as though spoken with an audible voice, “The sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the twenty-three hundred days is in heaven.” He at once began the investigation of the subject by searching his Bible, opening at Hebrews and reading chapters eight and nine. Although he had often read these scriptures before, he was now greatly astonished at discovering how clearly they proved a sanctuary in heaven, of which the earthly tabernacle is a “figure,” a “shadow,” a “pattern,” and its service an example of Christ’s mediatorial work in the heavens. LDT 180.2

As this disappointed people were again to take up the work of teaching “peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings,” it was of the highest importance that the subject of the true sanctuary, and the nature of its cleansing, be understood. The sanctuary question connects the time message of 1844 with the third angel’s message of Revelation 14. The burden of that message is “the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus,” which is really the third call to the supper of Luke 14. This call goes “into the highways and hedges,” compelling the people, not by physical force, but by the clearness of truth and the power of the Holy Spirit, “to come in.” LDT 180.3