Last Day Tokens



When the seventh angel sounds, we read that “the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament.” 5 In the service of the earthly sanctuary, the apartment containing the ark-the most holy place-was only opened once a year; that was on the day of atonement, and for the blotting out of sins-the cleansing of the sanctuary. The time spoken of by the prophets, when this cleansing work, as accomplished by Christ, should take place, is at the close of the twenty-three hundred days. 6 It is also stated that when the seventh angel sounds, voices in heaven say that the time is come for the dead to be judged. 7 LDT 148.1

In the days of the Jewish sanctuary, the yearly service was an “example” of the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary,-first a service for those confessing their sins, and finally a work to blot out the sins which had been confessed, which is really the investigative judgment. So it is seen that this time message of Revelation 10 is but another symbol of the message in Revelation 14,—“The hour of His judgment is come.” LDT 148.2

This prophetic symbol of Revelation 10 presents the time when this message is to go forth “with a loud voice,” and finally, “as when a lion roareth.” The time when, according to this prophecy, the message was to increase to its “loud cry,” is from the close of the sixth trumpet to the end of that prophetic period leading to the cleansing of the sanctuary,-in other words, to the end of the twenty-three hundred days. The first four trumpets met their fulfilment in the wars of the Goths, Vandals, Huns, etc., which divided Western Rome into ten parts or kingdoms. LDT 149.1