Last Day Tokens



The cut presented on page 73 represents a scene connected with the sun, as seen in Norwich, England, in the month of December, 1843. The drawing and explanation as here given were furnished to the editor of the Midnight Cry, in a letter from E. Lloyd, 21 Parker’s Terrace, Necauger Road, Bermondsey, London, dated Jan. 3, 1843. He says: “This sight was seen in the heavens just as Brethren Winter, Burgess, and Routon were about to commence their advent lectures in that city, and so prepared the people to listen to truth that they met with great success in their mission there.” LDT 72.2

Brother Winter died a few months ago, over ninety years of age. In his obituary a reference was made to those meetings in Norwich, England, in 1843; and it was stated that Brother Winter himself, as the result of that effort, baptized seven hundred in one lake, near Norwich. LDT 72.3

In describing the wonderful phenomenon, Mr. Lloyd says: “There has been a remarkable ‘sign in the sun’ seen by the principal part of the citizens of Norwich and the surrounding country, such as has never been seen in England before. It was seen in December last, about twelve o’clock, noon, and continued for two hours. It very much alarmed the inhabitants. LDT 72.4

“The small inner circle represents the sun, of a LDT 72.5



light orange hue. The outer part of the two larger circles, at unequal distances from the sun, appeared of the same hue, but the inner part of those circles was of a very deep yellow. The sky within those circles appeared of a dusky brown color, and the three large circles passing through the sun appeared of a distinct bright light.” LDT 75.1