Here and Hereafter
AN important syllogism, | 30. |
Adam, first and second, | 45. |
A stupendous fact, | 67. |
Alvah Hovey on 1 Peter 3:18-20, | 100. |
Acts 23:8 explained, | 102. |
Altar of sacrifice not in heaven, | 177. |
All emotions of dead cease, | 117. |
Albert Barnes of Revelation 6:9-11, | 119. |
Adam, death of, | 124. |
Adam, test of, | 126. |
Adam, mortal or immortal? which? | 136. |
Abraham’s ancestors idolaters, | 149. |
An argumentum ad hominem, | 181. |
Angels bear saints to heaven, when, | 182. |
Anabaino (ascend), meaning of, | 186. |
Absent from the body, | 193. |
Adam allowed a second trial, | 246. |
Adam’s death the penalty for his first sin, | 248. |
Absurdity of placing judgment at death, | 254. |
Argument of H. H. Dobney on the judgment, | 255. |
A general judgment overthrows the doctrine of consciousness in death, | 255. |
A sublime faith, | 257. |
A clean universe, | 274. |
Aion and aionios defined by Greenfield, Schrevelius, Liddell and Scott, Parkhurst, Robinson, Schleusner, Wahl, and Cruden, | 294. |
A convincing comparison, | 300. |
Augustine’s purgatory, | 302. |
All men do not have what they desire, | 316. |
Analogies of nature, | 317. |
Anomalies of the present state, | 318. |
Annihilation impossible, | 319. |
Appendix, the doctrine illustrated, | 339. |
Abel’s blood crying from the ground, | 119. |
A dishonorable perversion, | 65. |
Analogy between death and sleep, | 140. |
Angels not the ancient prophets, | 219. |
An ancient case of modern Spiritualism, | 159. |
Anastasis, meaning of, | 221. |
An illustration on future punishment, | 301. |
A spirit, what? | 33. |
A spirit hath not flesh and bones, | 101; |
note by Bloomfield, | 102 |
Aphthartos, athanasia, and aphtharsia, use and meaning of, | 52, 55, 56. |
BREATH of life, what, | 37. |
Bush on Genesis 2:7, | 46; |
vs. Luther Lee, | 107. |
Body formed like the soul, | 78. |
Body, soul, and spirit, | 122. |
Bishop Law on unconsciousness, | 211. |
Baptized for the dead, what? | 241. |
Benson’s terrible figure, | 267. |
Brimstone and pitch of Isaiah 34:9, 10, | 292. |
Bishop Newton’s testimony, | 303. |
Bible testimony for resurrection, | 232. |
Brutes’ reason, | 312. |
Bible views of future punishment best, | 304. |
CHARACTER of God inconsistent with eternal misery, | 16. |
Christ’s sacrifice not merely human, | 97. |
Christ quickened by the Spirit, when, | 98. |
1 Corinthians 5:5 explained, | 104. |
Concerning the human soul, | 106. |
Christ in the grave till his resurrection, | 189. |
Comma, when invented, | 190. |
2 Corinthians 5:8 explained, | 193. |
Clothed and unclothed, meaning of, | 196. |
2 Corinthians 12:2-4 explained, | 202. |
Crellius on state of the dead till the resurrection, | 211. |
Christ the second Adam, | 260. |
Contradiction of terms, | 267. |
Clarke’s note on Gehazi, | 296. |
Capacities of the soul, | 313. |
Can the soul be killed? | 109. |
Christ the express image of God, | 35. |
Christ the first born, etc., how, | 166. |
Christ first to rise from the dead, Acts 26:23 explained, | 167. |
Christ and the Sadducees, | 170. |
Clarke on Genesis 2:7, | 38; |
on Hebrews 12:22, | 92; |
key to the words “forever and ever”, | 295. |
Conant on Genesis 2:7 and Isaiah 2:22, | 38. |
Criticism, a desperate case of, | 188. |
Cruden on the words “eternal”, etc., | 295. |
Can saints in heaven continually look into hell? | 118. |
DESTROY flesh — save spirit, | 104. |
Dr. Clarke on Matthew 10:28, | 114. |
Do souls have blood? | 119. |
“Day”, meaning of in Genesis 2:17, | 130. |
“Die”, meaning of in Genesis 2:17, | 130. |
Death compared to sleep, | 140. |
Dead have no knowledge, | 141; |
are in the dust, not in heaven, | 142, 144; |
have no remembrance of God, | 143; |
perish without a resurrection, | 145. |
Date of Samuel’s ministry, | 152. |
Date of Saul’s reign, | 152. |
Difficulties in conscious-state theory, | 197. |
Departing to be with Christ, when, | 206. |
Death cannot separate us from God, | 215. |
Dead come up from where buried, | 230. |
Death the wages of sin, | 263; |
threatened Adam, what, | 135. |
Death the greatest punishment, | 280. |
Degrees of punishment, | 282. |
Dobney and Dalton on animal intelligence, | 312. |
David not ascended to heaven, | 144. |
Departure and return of the soul, | 106; |
notes by Luther Lee, Bush and Parkhurst, | 107. |
Destiny of the wicked (see under “wicked”). | |
Despairing words of Barnes and Saurin, | 302, 303. |
Ecclesiastes 12:7 explained, | 68. |
3:21 explained, | 80. |
Earthly house, meaning of, | 195. |
Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones, | 238. |
Eternal life yet future, | 260. |
Everlasting fire, | 277. |
Everlasting punishment, | 278. |
Ezekiel’s unquenchable fire, | 286. |
Eternal torment threatened to no one, | 291. |
Eternal suffering not proportioned to the sins of a finite life, | 301. |
Evil tendency of the doctrine of eternal misery, | 303. |
Expressions used to describe the final doom of the wicked, | 270. |
FALSE answers returned, | 10. |
Flesh, frequent meaning of, | 78. |
Force of Christ’s expression,“to-day”, | 192. |
Future punishment eternal, | 278; |
it is death, | 280. |
GATHERED to his people, | 147. |
God of Abraham, etc., how, | 173. |
Great cloud of witnesses, | 217. |
Greek terms for resurrection defined, | 221. |
God can do and will do what he has said he will do, | 243. |
God must raise, judge, and punish, the wicked to be true to himself, | 251. |
Ge-enna (hell) defined, | 287. |
God’s dealings with his creatures, | 299. |
God a person, | 33. |
God the God of the living, | 169. |
HOW the Bible is to be taken, | 14. |
Hell defined, | 111. |
How martyrs cry to God, | 122. |
Hades and sheol, meaning of, | 138. |
Hard of Abraham, | 149. |
How the dead are represented in parables, | 178. |
House from heaven, meaning of, | 195. |
Holy Spirit, pledge of what, | 198. |
How we have heavenly building now, | 201. |
How we are to be with the Lord, | 212. |
Holam (Hebrew) synonymous with aionios (Greek), | 295. |
Ham, J. Panton, on human capabilities, | 314. |
Historical view of the doctrine of immortality, | 320. |
Hell, words so translated, | 111. |
Hinnom, valley of, a figure of the place of future punishment, | 287. |
Hebrews 12:22-24 explained | 87. |
Hovey, A., D. D., on Revelation 19:10, | 220. |
IMPORTANT inquiries, | 3. |
Immortality, natural, results of the doctrine, | 11. |
Illogical illustrations by Joseph Cook, | 24. |
Image of God, what, | 29. |
Image and likeness, meaning of, | 31. |
Image, figurative use of, | 32. |
Is God a person? | 34. |
Illustrations of the word “became”, | 42. |
Immortal and immortality, | 49; |
how used in the Bible, | 52. |
“Immortal”, how often used, | 51. |
Importance of Moses and the prophets, | 174. |
Illustrations of parables, | 176. |
In the body and out, | 202. |
Identity in the resurrection, | 224. |
In Christ all made alive, | 247. |
Immortality taken for granted, | 305; |
assumed, | 318. |
Influence of the doctrine of immortality. | 332. |
Idumea, threatenings against, illustrate Revelation 14:11, | 344. |
Immaterial souls of brutes, | 308. |
Is Abraham in hell? | 149. |
Instinct not the only reasoning powers of brutes, | 311. |
Immortality, conclusions concerning, | 57. |
JUST men, spirits of, made perfect, | 87. |
Job 32:8 explained, | 76. |
Jude 7 explained, | 289. |
Judgment, doctrine of, contradicted by the theory of consciousness in death, | 252. |
Judgments against sin only shorten life here, | 250. |
KITTO on Adam, | 44. |
Kolasis, rendered “punishment” in Matthew 25:46, explained, | 280. |
Katephagen (“devour”, Revelation 20:9) defined by Stuart, | 273. |
Killing the soul, | 109. |
1 Kings 17:21, 22 explained, | 108. |
LOCKE and Clark on matter, | 20. |
Living soul, the, | 40. |
Luke 23:46 explained, | 85. |
Luke 24:39 explained, | 101. |
Luke 23:33-36 explained, | 184. |
Language of appearance, | 159. |
Life everlasting, | 257. |
MYSTERIOUS inquiries, | 8. |
Matter, what is it? | 19 |
capable of wonderful changes, | 23 |
can it think? | 25. |
Man and beast have same breath of life, | 40. |
Mattison, H., on Genesis 2:7, | 14. |
Man and beast both “living souls”, | 46. |
Multiply, but multiply what? | 79. |
Ministers in trouble on 1 Peter 3:18-20, | 95. |
Matthew 10:28 explained, | 109. |
Man in death, | 138. |
Matthew 17:1-9 explained, | 160. |
Moses raised from the dead, | 163; |
objections considered, | 165-168. |
Matthew 22:23-30 explained, | 169. |
Manutius, inventor of the comma, | 190. |
Mortality swallowed up of life, when, | 199. |
“My departure,” meaning of, | 207. |
Men determine their own destiny, | 247. |
Matthew 25:41 explained, | 277. |
Matthew 25:46 explained, | 278. |
Mark 9:44 explained, | 284. |
Mistakes of the Reformers, | 302. |
Matter cannot think, | 309. |
Moncrieff, W. G., on properties of matter, | 309. |
Milton’s translation of Ecclesiastes 3:21, | 84. |
Moses raised from the dead, | 163. |
Moses and the prophets on the state of the dead, | 174. |
NEPHESH defined, | 61. |
N’sHAH-mah defined, | 65. |
Noah mouthpiece for Christ, | 97. |
Neither angel nor spirit, | 102. |
No restoration from the second death, | 265. |
No relief when death comes, | 283. |
Necromancy, meaning of, | 153. |
OBJECT of parable of the rich man and Lazarus, | 177. |
Origin of the idea of an immortal soul, | 198. |
Outward man perishes, inward man renewed, | 216. |
Our nature inherited from Adam, | 245. |
Origen’s purgatory, | 302. |
POSSIBILITIES involved, | 10. |
Psuche defined, | 63. |
Pneuma defined, | 64. |
Psalm 31:5; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59 explained, | 85. |
Purgatory sustained, | 95. |
Preaching to spirits in prison, when and why, | 94, 95. |
1 Peter 3:18-20 explained, | 93. |
Phantasma and pneuma, | 101. |
Parkhurst on Genesis 35:18, | 108. |
Penalty of Adam’s transgression, what, | 126; |
carried out, | 129. |
Penalty, to whom threatened, | 131. |
Paradise, where is it? | 185. |
Paradise no half-way house, | 189. |
Psalm 90:10 explained, | 151. |
Putting off old man for new, what, | 201. |
Present with the Lord, what, | 202. |
Philippians 1:21-24 explained, | 207. |
Paul’s strait, | 207; |
his desire, | 208. |
Priestly, Dr., on Philippians 1:23, | 211. |
Philosophy of Paul’s desire, Philippians 1:23, | 215. |
Putting off my tabernacle, | 218. |
2 Peter 2:9 explained, | 219. |
Plan of salvation gave all men probation, | 246. |
Plato’s Acherusian lake, | 302. |
Philosophy, claims of, | 307. |
Pritchard on the vital principle, | 312. |
Personification, a Bible figure, | 119, 180. |
Plasso (Greek), yatsar (Hebrew), defined, | 75. |
Punctuation of Luke 23:43, | 190. |
Purgatory an invention to relieve the great wrong of eternal conscious misery, | 302; |
borrowed from Plato by Augustine, | id., |
and adopted by the church of Rome, | id. |
Pur asbeston (unquenchable fire) defined, | 288. |
QUOTATION from Dr. R. F. Weymouth, | 268. |
Quenchless fire, | 284; |
figure borrowed from Old Testament, | 285. |
RELATION of the doctrine of consciousness in death to Spiritualism, | 4. |
Revelation 6:9-11 explained, | 116. |
Reality, or a vision, which? | 161. |
Rich man and Lazarus, | 173. |
Rich man in hades, not gehenna, | 175. |
Romans 8:38, 39 explained, | 215. |
Revelation 19:10; 22:8, | 9, |
explained, | 219. |
Resurrection of the dead, | 221; |
disproves immortality of the soul, | 222; |
a necessity, | 224; |
the hope of the church, | 232; |
the time of reward, | 234; |
depends on the second coming of Christ, | 235; |
is the basis of the promises of the Scriptures, | 237; |
testimony of Jos. Alleine and Dr. Clarke, | 238. |
Resurrection of the wicked, | 244. |
Reason why Adam died, | 249. |
Reason why people die since Adam, | 249. |
Righteous and wicked alike die in Adam, | 247. |
Righteous and wicked alike made alive in Christ, | 247. |
Rome’s purgatory, | 302. |
Removes skepticism, | 304. |
Rebellion against God not to be eternal, | 275. |
Ruahh defined, | 63. |
SOURCES of information, | 9. |
Significance of the word “became”, | 19. |
Scott, Clarke, and Conant on “the breath of life”, | 38. |
Soul and spirit, meaning of, | 58; |
how used in the Scriptures, | 62. |
Spirit returns to God, | 68. |
Spirit, condition of, coming from, and going to, God, | 71. |
Spirit, from whence does it come? | 75. |
Spirit, created or generated, which? | 77. |
Spirit of man, who knows? | 80. |
Spirit as applied to beasts, | 81. |
Spirit, committing it to God, | 85. |
Solomon does not contradict himself, | 84. |
Spirits of just men made perfect, | 87. |
Spirits in prison, | 93; |
who? | 96. |
Spirit hath not flesh and bones, | 101. |
Soul, in Matthew 10:28, should be rendered life, | 114. |
Souls in heaven not shut up, | 117. |
Samuel and the woman of Endor, | 152. |
1 Samuel 28:3-20 explained, | 152. |
Subjects of the heavenly kingdom, | 163. |
Signification of Greek word “en,“ | 190, note. |
Shame and everlasting contempt, | 276. |
Sodom and Gomorrah turned to ashes, | 290. |
Sins done in the body only, punished, | 301. |
Soul immaterial, | 308. |
Smith, Sidney, on properties of matter, | 309. |
Sagacity of animals, | 311. |
Sins in hell committed faster than God can punish, Benson, | 267. |
THIS book, why written, | Preface. |
Things undeniable, | 7. |
The great phenomenon, | 7. |
The light of nature insufficient — Stuart, Hovey, Dobney, Socrates, Cicero, Seneca, Hobbs, | 12. |
The Bible the only source of authority, | 14. |
The creation of man, | 17. |
Three great facts, | 51. |
Translations of Ecclesiastes 3:21, | 84. |
1 Thessalonians 5:23 explained, | 122. |
The transfiguration, | 160; |
type of Christ’s kingdom, | 169. |
The thief on the cross, | 184. |
“To-day”, in Luke 23:43, modifies what? | 190. |
Thief did not die that day, | 193. |
The second great falsehood, | 198. |
“To die is gain”, | 214. |
The dead conscious of no lapse of time, | 210. |
Those sleeping in Jesus brought with him, | 216. |
2 Timothy 4:6 explained, | 217. |
Testimony of Revelation 20:5, | 219. |
Tyndale, Carmichael, and Muller on the resurrection, | 223. |
The body is what comes up in the resurrection, | 231. |
The glorious change, | 244. |
Temporal death not a penalty but a result, | 245. |
The judgment to come, | 252. |
The life everlasting, | 257. |
The wages of sin, | 262; |
Henry Constable’s testimony, | 268. |
Two deaths clearly brought to view, | 266. |
Tormented forever and ever, | 291. |
Tyndale’s pungent inquiry, | 223. |
Traduction vs. creationism, | 79. |
UNDYING worm, | 284. |
Universal belief and inborn desires, | 315. |
Unquenchable fire, meaning of asbeston, | 288. |
VISION, not death, | 204. |
Vincent’s fearful picture of hell, | 267. |
WHAT goes to God when man dies, | 27. |
Why does spirit go to God? | 73. |
White robes given to martyrs, what, | 120. |
Who go into sheol, | 139; |
location and duration of its dominion, | id. |
“We fly away;” meaning of, | 151. |
With me in paradise, | 184. |
When did Christ ascend to his Father? | 186. |
What hath God wrought? | 198. |
Whence come our bodies? | 243. |
Wycliffe’s dust, | 242. |
When we are to receive life, | 260. |
Wicked shall be destroyed, perish, go to perdition, | 269; |
come to an end, be as though they had not been, | 270; |
they are compared to the most evanescent and perishable substances, | id.; |
in New Testament they are likened to chaff, tares, etc., | 271; |
illustrations of Moses and Paul, | 272; |
shall be consumed by fire, | 273; |
shall be recompensed in the earth, | id. |
Worm shall not die, what, | 286. |
Wesley and Watson on tradition, | 79, 80. |
Zechariah 12:1 explained, | 95. |
Zoe and psuche compared, | 258. |