Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



We are going, we are going,
Now a lonely Pilgrim Band,
To a brighter world of glory-
To a fair and happy land;
Tho’ the path, in which we journey,
Is a rough and thorny way,
It leads to blessed realms above,
In one eternal day.
HHHH 62.1

When the crowns of gold we wear,
And the palms of victory bear,
In joy we shall forget
All the sorrows here we share;
Then we’ll strike our harps and sing,
While our songs of triumph ring,
O’er the plains of glory echoing,
The praises of our King.
HHHH 62.2

We are going, we are going,
Where our trials will be o’er,
Where grief and suff’ring enters not,
And we shall weep no more;
Yes, they tell us there are mansions bright,
Unsullied by distress,
An inheritance unfading;
Which the saints will soon possess.
HHHH 62.3

We are going, we are going,
Where the fields are ever green,
Where marks of Time’s decaying finger
Never shall be seen;
HHHH 62.4

O, if we deem it lovely here,
Around our earthly home,
How beautiful must be that land
Where blight can never come!
HHHH 63.1

We are going, we are going,
Where no tempests dim the sky,
Where everlasting beauty reigns,
And pleasures never die;
We are going where the Saviour said
A place he would prepare,
And come again, that we might with
Him reign for ever there.
HHHH 63.2

We are going, we are going,
To a City that is near,
Behold! To Faith’s foreseeing eye
Its pearly gates appear;
And now to earth’s allurements will
We bid a last adieu,
For the prize in heaven treasured,
For the faithful and the true.
HHHH 63.3

We are going, we are going
To the regions of the blest,
Where our toil and care is ended,
And the weary are at rest;
O, speed on the promised hour,
Quickly come and claim Thine own-
We long to meet, to part no more,
Around the radiant throne.
HHHH 63.4