Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



If others’ joys seem more than thine,
Pause, ere thou at this repine;
Life bath full enough of woe,
For the sunniest path below.
Labor, ere shall pass the day:
God shall all thy ills repay.
Christian, what are they to thee?
Saith the Saviour, “Follow me!”
HHHH 58.1

By the souls to win or lose,
By the good thou didst not choose,
By thy duties left undone,
By the evil thou wouldst shun;
From thy brother’s failings fly,
Oft inquire, “Lord, is it I?”
Christian, what are they to thee?
Saith the Saviour, “Follow me!”
HHHH 58.2

By the crown we hope to wear,
By the bliss we long to share,
By the blessings now we crave,
From the Lamb who died to save,
Only seek his name to raise,
Meeting censure here, or praise.
Christian, what is that to thee?
Saith the Saviour, “Follow me!”
HHHH 58.3

Let thy heart by pure within,
Die to self, the world and sin,
Hope, whatever may betide;
Trust the never-failing Guide.
Faith on him alone, depend;
Love, enduring to the end.
Christian, this thy strength shall be:
Saith the Saviour, “Follow me!”
HHHH 59.1