Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



Fear not little flock, for Christ is our Rock.
The promise stands sure.
The kingdom He’ll give, to those that endure.
HHHH 54.2

The armor gird on; till victory is won,
Let us manfully fight,
The Millennial morn, soon will end Time’s dark night.
HHHH 54.3

The truth will prevail, (its beamings we hail,)
And is might in power;
‘Twill shield us from harm, in the dark trying hour.
HHHH 54.4

Tho’ the tempest loud rave, and high swell the wave,
Let us never give o’er;
For the Ark will land safe, on fair Canaan’s shore.
HHHH 54.5

Then with rapture untold, our eyes shall behold
Our glorious King;
With bright, golden harps, the “New Song” we shall sing.
HHHH 54.6

They will that City view, His “commandments that do,”
With the angels of light;
To the tree and the fountain of life have a right.
HHHH 55.1

Hallelujahs we’ll raise, our Redeemer to praise
With the pure and the blest;
In the “Eden of Love” be for ever at rest.
HHHH 55.2