Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



When darkness gathers round thy way
As falls the shades of even;
No star, with its mild cheering ray,
To chase the gloom-thy fears allay,
How sweet the light of heaven!
HHHH 52.1

When toiling in the narrow way,
By persecution driven,
Beset with treach’rous snares that lay
To lead thy youthful feet astray,
How sweet the smiles of heaven!
HHHH 52.2

When by earth’s care and grief and woe
Thy anguished heart is riven;
And bitter tears of sorrow flow,
No soothing balm found here below,
How sweet the joy of heaven!
HHHH 52.3

And when our pilgrimage is o’er,
The blessed promise given;
When, borne on angels’ wings, we soar
To meet the Saviour, we adore,
How sweet the home in heaven!
HHHH 52.4