Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



O, Let Thy sweet Spirit descend from above,
Our hearts melt in humble contrition and love,
Cemented together in one let us be,
Thou Rock of Salvation-united in thee!
HHHH 47.2

Let angels’ bright pinions, now hovering nigh,
Bear upward the tidings, while to thee I cry,
O, cleanse in that fountain of blood spilt for me,
Thou Rock of Salvation-and hide me in thee!
HHHH 47.3

The tough, thorny path, faint and worn, we pursue,
Refresh with thy presence, our strength we renew
By those living waters that flow full and free
From the Rock of Salvation-rejoicing in thee!
HHHH 47.4

Thou friend and Supporter when troubles appear,
Preserver from evil, temptation and fear,
O, now to thine arms for protection I’ll flee,
Thou Rock of Salvation-O, hide me in thee!
HHHH 47.5

Secure in thy bosom I fain would repose,
Where peace, like a river, unceasingly flows;
Thy beauty and glory beholding, I’d be,
Thou Rock of Salvation-enraptured in thee!
HHHH 48.1

Thy judgments, O Lord, soon in wrath will descend,
O’erwhelming with terror, the tempest will rend;
But firm a foundation, sure refuge I see
In the Rock of Salvation-above, cleft for me!
HHHH 48.2

With all the redeemed, my glad voice would I raise,
And join in the songs to Immanuel’s praise;
That at thine appearing I numbered may be,
Thou Rock of Salvation-O, hide me in thee!
HHHH 48.3