Home Here, and Home in Heaven; With Other Poems



O Father, let a heavenly calm
Pervade this anxious breast;
I’d lean upon thy gracious arm,
And in thy bosom rest.
Be thou my sure support and guide
O’er life’s tempestuous sea;
And then, whatever may betide,
I’ll ever trust in thee.
HHHH 39.2

Why should I murmur and repine.
At hardship, grief, and loss?
Since this will but the gold refine,
And purge away the dross.
If by temptations sorely tried,
Quick to thine aid I’ll flee,
And then, whatever may betide.
I’ll ever trust in thee.
HHHH 39.3

Give me a soul inured to woe;
Resigned to every ill;
My chief delight while here below,
To do thy holy will.
Though friends forsake, and foes deride,
Thou shalt my portion be;
And then, whatever may betide,
I’ll ever trust in thee.
HHHH 40.1

O God, thy grace and strength impart,
That, till the race is run,
I e’er may say, with grateful heart,
Thy will, not mine, be done;
And near the Saviour’s bleeding side
Keep me, from evil free;
And then, whatever may betide,
I’ll ever trust in thee.
HHHH 40.2