In Memoriam [White]
[The Battle Creek Journal, edited and published by Hon. George Willard, ex-member of Congress, in its issue following the sad event, gave a very large amount of its space to the particulars. The first portion of the article below was the editorial leader, and is a just and candid reflection of the sentiment of the community in which the deceased resided for so many years.] IMJW 9.3
Elsewhere in this issue, we present an account of the death of Elder James White, with a sketch of the leading incidents of a career which it would not be exceeding the bounds of strict justice to term extraordinary. IMJW 10.1
He was a man of the patriarchal pattern, and his character was cast in the heroic mold. If the logical clearness to formulate a creed; if the power to infect others with one’s own zeal, and impress them with one’s own convictions; if the executive ability to establish a sect and to give it form and stability; if the genius to shape and direct the destiny of great communities, be a mark of true greatness, Elder White is certainly entitled to the appellation, for he possessed not one of these qualities only, but all of them in a marked degree. IMJW 10.2
The essential feature of his life’s work was constructive. He had the rare power of social organization, and laid the foundation, and marked the design, for the erection of a social and religious structure for others to develop and further complete. Hence it is that his influence was not only commanding during his life, but will be realized long after his death. The work begun by him will not in the least flag by his departure, as the institutions so largely shaped by his practical wisdom and untiring diligence will continue to prosper and further develop in the future as in the past. IMJW 10.3
Therefore, as with all true founders of communities, his life is not a broken shaft, but an enduring column, whereon others are to build. He lived to see the Adventist denomination, with all its various institutions with which he has been identified as founder and chief executive, firmly established upon a stable basis. The management of its affairs in this city is left in thoroughly competent hands, and there will be no interruption to its progress by his demise. His mantle will be worn by worthy successors, who have caught his inspiration, and who, like him, with earnestness, sound judgment, and executive ability, will carry forward the designs and projects which he had so large a share in inaugurating, and afterward conducting with such distinguished success. IMJW 10.4