In Memoriam [White]
A FEW days subsequent to the decease of the subject of this memorial, the managing boards of the S. D. A. Publishing Association, College, and Sanitarium held a joint session, with Eld. G. I. Butler in the chair, at which the following resolution was unanimously adopted:— IMJW 3.1
Resolved, That in view of the recent death of Eld. James White, who has from its commencement been the recognized leader of this denomination, and has for many years been an active and prominent member of these several boards, a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to prepare a suitable memorial pamphlet to be circulated according to the discretion of the committee.* IMJW 3.2
The chairman appointed the following persons to act as this committee, representing the several boards: Eld. U. Smith, W. C. Gage, J. H. Kellogg. IMJW 3.3
In performing the sad task which has been allotted them, the committee have been led to appreciate more keenly than before, if possible, the great loss which has been sustained by the several institutions which they represent, as well as by the cause at large, and have particularly felt still more deeply the personal loss which they have sustained. The contents of this pamphlet indicate very clearly that the sentiment of the general public, and especially the community in which the deceased resided and in which he was best known, is fully in accord with that of those who were endeared to him by denominational ties, or by the warm friendship of years of close association and cooperation in the work to advance which had been the earnest effort of his life. IMJW 3.4
The seeming meagerness of the sketch of the deceased is justified by the fact that one of the last completed labors of his own hand was a biography of his life, entitled, “Life Sketches,” an interesting volume to which the reader is referred for full particulars respecting a career which marks the subject as one of the remarkable men of his age, whose memory will live as long as the denomination with whose rise he was so intimately connected. IMJW 4.1
The committee have been obliged to perform their labors in a somewhat hasty manner, on account of the urgent demand for a speedy publication of this pamphlet, and hope to make several improvements in future editions. IMJW 4.2
The long connection of the deceased with the publishing work, twenty-six years of which has been in Battle Creek, has given him an extensive acquaintance in this city and vicinity, which will account for the large space devoted to the particulars of his life and death in the local papers, copious extracts from which are given in this Memorial, the principal part of which is a compilation of such current notices, editorials and correspondence, as are deemed of interest to the general reader. IMJW 4.3