Christian Service

Mental Culture

Mental culture is what we, as a people, need and what we must have in order to meet the demands of the time.—Testimonies for the Church 4:414. ChS 224.4

We must not enter into the Lord's work haphazard, and expect success. The Lord needs men of mind, men of thought. Jesus calls for coworkers, not blunderers. God wants right-thinking and intelligent men to do the great work necessary to the salvation of souls.—Testimonies for the Church 4:67. ChS 224.5

Some need to discipline the mind by exercise. They should force it to think. While they depend upon some one to think for them, to solve their difficulties, and they refuse to tax the mind with thought, the inability to remember, to look ahead and discriminate, will continue. Efforts must be made by every individual to educate the mind.—Testimonies for the Church 2:188. ChS 224.6

God does not want us to be content with lazy, undisciplined minds, dull thoughts, and loose memories.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 506. ChS 224.7

Men of God must be diligent in study, earnest in the acquirement of knowledge, never wasting an hour. Through persevering exertion they may rise to almost any degree of eminence as Christians, as men of power and influence.—Testimonies for the Church 4:411. ChS 225.1

Only let the moments be treasured.... The time spent in traveling; ... the moments of waiting for meals, waiting for those who are tardy in keeping an appointment,—if a book were kept at hand, and these fragments of time were improved in study, reading, or careful thought, what might not be accomplished!—Christ's Object Lessons, 343, 344. ChS 225.2

A resolute purpose, persistent industry, and careful economy of time, will enable men to acquire knowledge and mental discipline which will qualify them for almost any position of influence and usefulness.—Christ's Object Lessons, 334. ChS 225.3

Men in responsible positions should improve continually. They must not anchor upon an old experience, and feel that it is not necessary to become scientific workers. Man, although the most helpless of God's creatures when he comes into the world, and the most perverse in his nature, is nevertheless capable of constant advancement. He may be enlightened by science, ennobled by virtue, and may progress in mental and moral dignity, until he reaches a perfection of intelligence and a purity of character but little lower than the perfection and purity of angels.—Testimonies for the Church 4:93. ChS 225.4

Those who would be workers together with God must strive for perfection of every organ of the body and quality of the mind. True education is the preparation of the physical, mental, and moral powers for the performance of every duty; it is the training of body, mind, and soul for divine service. This is the education that will endure unto eternal life.—Christ's Object Lessons, 330. ChS 225.5

Mechanics, lawyers, merchants, men of all trades and professions, educate themselves that they may become masters of their business. Should the followers of Christ be less intelligent, and while professedly engaged in His service, be ignorant of the ways and means to be employed? The enterprise of gaining everlasting life is above every earthly consideration. In order to lead souls to Jesus there must be a knowledge of human nature and a study of the human mind. Much careful thought and fervent prayer are required to know how to approach men and women upon the great subject of truth.—Testimonies for the Church 4:67. ChS 225.6